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Crystal Quartz Obelisks

Product Code :Tower-040
Item Code: Tower-040
Size: 2.5-4 Inch
MOQ: 2 Kg
Weight: 50-250 Grams
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An excellent range of Crystal Quartz Obelisks is here. Labradorite is known as the gemstone of destiny because it opens up your psychic abilities by connecting you to the Universal flow of energies that permeates our world and universe. Amongst the many distinct symbols of ancient Egypt is the obelisk. This is a unique four sided monument that stands tall and ends with a pyramid-like top. It is a stone that is frequently monolithic, of a quadrangular base, placed upright and ending with a pointed top. It is present in the squares of the most important cities around the world. Generally, obelisks have inscriptions on all four sides and also parts of the pyramidon are sometimes carved with bas-relief. These monumente symbolize the stability and the creative force held by the solar god RA. Place your order now at Gemstone Export.

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