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David Star 7 Chakra Bonded Pendants

Product Code :GPen-261
Item Code: GPen-261
Size: 30-40mm
MOQ: 50 Pcs
Weight: 15-35 Grams
Special Order: Contact Us
This is a 6 pointed REIKI BLESSED star silver pendant called St David`s Star which is a Spiritual Star. The Star can actually be drawn in one line! Either side of each point are the 7 chakra colours in gemstones with the Crown Chakra Amethyst in the centre. By wearing these gemstones in this formation, they balance the energy of the body.The pendant can also be used for dowsing, scrying, healing etc. Constructed as a three dimensional Star of David, Merkaba means that we have 3D interlocking triangles - which mean that the Realms are intersecting, merging the Divine and the Human together, Shamanic Healing and Realm Walking. The points on the Merkaba Stars also contribute to its ability to radiate a programmed intent outward. For healers the healing gifts and powers are amplified and one`s personal Divine spark is passed within. Order it today from Gemstone Export.

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