7 Chakra Stone Embossed Set

Product Code :N-Chakra-014
Item Code: N-Chakra-014
Size: 30-50 gm
MOQ: 20 Sets
Weight: 10-15 mm
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Are yo looking for 7 Chakra Stone Embossed Set? 7 Chakra Stone is a powerful cleanser of psychic smog created within your aura, and is a strong psychic protection stone. It has powerful metaphysical properties that will shield you against negativity, and the energy of these stones may stimulate the gift of prophecy. Pieces of these stones that had a shiny surface were used in the past as a tool for scrying. The chakras distribute the life force through the physical and subtle bodies. They are the source of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy. Traditionally, there are seven major chakras associated with the physical body. They are aligned with the spine and located in the base of the spine, the lower abdomen (sacral), the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the centre of the forehead (third eye), and the crown of the head. When our chakras are blocked, or not in balance.

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